I am a Software Dev with experience working at Zebra Technlogies and Deloitte. I am interested in everying digital and learning how the world we see today through our screens work. I am skilled in web technologies and take pride in making performant and beautiful websites. My world revolves around tech, startups and the product space. I love taking photos as well and TheDelhiwalla is an immense inspiration.
I love to discuss ideas new ideas and learn new things and write along the way. This site serves as a personal repository to share everything i am currently building, learning or seeing so feel free to explore and reach out if you wanna collaborate, chat about the next big idea or discuss why V10s should make a come-back to F1.
Scarcity - Society and Business Living in the hustle and bustle of a big Indian city, I often find myself rushing between tasks. One memory stands out…
Understanding the CAP Theorem: A Friendly Guide with Analogies This is my attempt at explaining CAP theorem as an analogy after all the biggest…